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Showing posts from 2021

Tempted by the Bitcoin Bubble?

 Just in  case you were tempted... WARNING: Thinking of investing in Bitcoin or other Cryptocurrencies? Here's what you should know: If you've been contacted by a 'trader' promising big profits and offering to help you invest in cryptocurrency, this is a scam. See Cryptocurrency investment fraud - Action Fraud. - Always have control of your cryptocurrency wallet. If you didn't set the wallet up yourself or can't access the money in the wallet, this is a scam. You should stop making payments immediately. - Many cryptocurrency sellers are not registered with the UK Financial Conduct Authority. Always use a firm that is on the Registered FCA list which can be found on the FCA website. You should also check the Temporarily Registered list which can be found on the same page. - If you ignore the above advice you could lose all of your money. Source:  Royal Bank of Scotland

Harry the Orthopedic Surgeon

Unusual to find a scam on LinkedIn, but I've seen a few of these lately.   Harry is an orthopedic surgeon. Do orthopedic surgeons wear yellow hi viz jackets instead of scrubs? So why is he working for the United Nations in Germany? And why does someone with ten years of experience have only four connections?   Where did he go to medical school? And if he is into orthopedics, why is he talking about being a neurosurgeon?   I'm pretty sure that Harry is a love Scammer, seeking to prey on wealthy women. That sort of thing isn't uncommon on Facebook. I get inundated with beautiful models who want to be my friend. LinkedIn isn't the obvious place for it though   I've reported him to LinkedIn as "Not representing a real individual" - we'll see what happens